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Old 2013-01-26, 18:56   Link #1
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Political & Social Polarization

From a 9-6-2012 article:

"As the major political conventions wind down and the campaigns hurtle toward the
finish line, a big watchword of the moment is polarization."

"The political divide is so deep that it apparently influences how people make
consumer choices. When it comes to fast food, Democrats opt for Wendy’s, while
Republicans seem to value the freedom of choice (or is it the freshness?) of
Subway. The NFL, animal planet, Sony, Starbucks: These are Democratic choices,
apparently, while the History Channel, Major League Baseball, Sharp, and Dunkin’
Donuts are red state picks.

Long regarded as a disturbing trend by political observers, polarization has
gotten the attention of business leaders in recent years. Morgan Stanley’s chief
U.S. economist has estimated that political gridlock will cost the US economy a
half point in GDP during this year’s second half. Over a third of companies queried
by Morgan Stanley cited paralysis around the Federal budget as a major reason
they’re currently restraining their own budget spending. As the President of one
industry group was quoted as saying, “It’s totally irresponsible and absolutely
insane. “The two parties are really dug in. Companies see the writing on the wall
and business decisions are now being made on this.”"


With the rise of the internet (which allows everyone to live in their own info
bubble), how much more polarized will society get?
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