Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
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Old 2013-01-27, 10:56   Link #1121
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
o Demon Queen is off. Where are her self-doubts and worries? Hero is off. A particularly wimpy version. Female Knight is completely off. Where is her positive disposition and humor? Big sister maid is off. She wants to run and fight? Are you kidding me?? Having prior knowledge of the material hurts, because what I know (and hold dear) is incompatible with the anime version. Not knowing the show might be much better.
I think you're suffering too much from foreknowledge.
DQ self doubts and worries don't really start creeping in until the effects of what she is doing has a much wider scale and repercussions aren't easy to see as being purely positive.

Hero is comes off as very naive and at times childish with hints of deeper waters worrying if he is useful in helping people in the LN and Manga He's the same in the anime the only difference is we haven't seen just how overwhelmingly powerful he is.

Given so far 80% of the time we have seen Female Knight she Had been in Drill Sgt mode or having her Berserk buttons spammed there haven't been a real chance to see those sides of her (and as far as I can remember only parts of her training the boys was cut) but it is there during her talk with BSM along with her big old ball of Hero abandonment issues that is even more of the core of her character.

The core of BSM is her fear that she still isn't human, it's driven home in the novel, it's driven home in the manga, and now surprise it's being driven home in the anime. She's asking to learn to run (not run away) and fight like the boys because she sees it as yet another poof she is human and not a bug.

o Completely omitting the Hero's efforts as Dark Knight? Seriously? By stripping this, they fail to make the viewers understand the nature of the demon world.
We can't say they are Completely omitting the Hero's efforts as Dark Knight, I can see why the Fairy rescues was cut as the only things that show up there that aren't illustrated else where in more central parts of the story is that he save the queen and got word that Witch Girl was in the library. The fight with Fire dragon is also kinda pointless story wise as the letter hits all the important parts of it . As for Gateway it's clear Hero hasn't been there yet because if nothing else it would have been covered in a letter.

Sorry. This one is a failing grade for me, because I don't want this anime to pollute my own impression of the MaoYuuverse any more. I hope that in 3-4 years someone competent with a proper budget and at least 2 seasons makes another attempt.

With a heavy heart: *Drop*
Higurashi: Its a bit like watching a trainwreck, except you keep getting to see different trains wrecking with roughly the same passengers, into a variety of different objects. Also, the trains are driven by monkeys. On LSD.
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