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Old 2013-02-01, 20:49   Link #51
Roger Rambo
Sensei, aishite imasu
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Hong Kong Shatterdome
Originally Posted by Ultramarinus View Post
Yang Wen-li could conquer this Japan with just a fork and paper clip.
And that is bloody depressing considering that Yang Wen-li is the least physically actiony guy in existence

The Rosen Ritter on the other hand...I think they'd break the Crime Coefficient readers

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Originally Posted by Ultramarinus View Post
It's like 1929 and people all rushed the banks to withdraw their deposits. My suspension of disbelief isn't buying that Japan in 2100 put all of their eggs in the same basket for public security. There's a riot and there's literally no backup whatsoever. Heck, no need for a riot even. They wouldn't be able to defend the HQ if he had gathered like 20-30 maniacs instead of 6.
Well as the hacker guy said. The fact that Sybill would be ENTIRELY based in this one place is very unusual. Perhaps due to something very secretive, worth the risk of making a consolidated system. But it still comes off as a bit wonky. Since if anyone ever DID conceivably devise a technological countermeasure against a psycho pass scan (or just had big enough guns), they could just bust into the building and wipe out the system.

Frankly it sounds to me like a more appropriate place for something like this would be on a fortified military base defended by war robots, with explicit authorization to kill unapproved personnel.
Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
I think you're overstating this a bit. A couple points...

1. "We've been at peace for too long". The Director is right in this regard. It's not hard for me to see how a lengthy period of peace, stretching over several decades, could lead to a somewhat complacent civilian government and a skeleton police/military defense force. My impression is that organized crime, as we know it, hasn't existed in the world of Sybil for a long time. I mean, I'm certainly seeing nothing like the Yakuza in this show. Even with Makishima manipulating things from the shadows, its typically just a lone crazy here and then a lone crazy there. If that's all your dealing with for decades on end, then all you really need is a small police force. And that means that, after awhile, the government is going to be tempted to slash spending on the police department in order to spend more money on more pressing concerns.
Except this society still clearly has a military. Nobody would make warbots armed with purely lethal weapons if Japan couldn't conceive of foreign threats. If you can conceive of foreign threats, gutting your internal security forces this much is nothing but lunacy.

Your cops can't handle a TINY riot of people armed with molotov cocktails and blunt instruments and knives. What happens if they had to deal with a team of cyborg commando terrorists outfitted with rifle sized dominators that can be fired at will? It's hardly an inconceivable threat given the technology of this world. Just hide them away in a container ship coming into tokyo bay, and customs won't matter. You can shoot your way through customs, then proceed to obliterate whatever government agency you wanted to.

Which is very dangerous, as one of those government buildings hosts Sybills brain.

Last edited by Roger Rambo; 2013-02-01 at 21:02.
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