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Old 2013-02-03, 04:36   Link #5396
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
thank god the chapter is out so no more spoiler tags for a while XD

Well Rito kinda created a similarity between haruna and kyoko... the hair style down thing (and thats all...since kyoko is WAY WAY more awsome and cute then haruna...both her body and her personality [really saying will you go on a date with me XD and there was no "slap or beating the f...k out of ritos face" becouse of that locker scene])

but other similarity between haruna and kyoko is that they both have good friends... but they too love the same person as they do and are afraid of backstabbing their friend.... haruna has is easier as she knows that rito can marry her and lala and its ok... while kyoko and run are sitting in dark about this matter....all that kyoko and run need is the knowladge of the harem option xD (they could feel secure and make sure that he will go for it as their love depends on it)

What I think is interesting about kyoko... is that she might be accepted in that harem option by all sides with we learned that this strong Kotegawa is also Kyokos fan as she watches all her shows XD

we like have few camps: lala, run, kotegwa, momo [well she accepts every girl that has breats and p...y so its not all that hard here :P].... and all like kyoko as they are her fans too ^^ so kyoko might feel really secure there and wanted

about mea well she sure is a tease... babling about the harem next to nana only to get a little excited with momos blood thirst :P hard to tell what nemesis would do.... and I guess she might be the one that will openly talk about momos plan... making it crumble bits after bits.... only to make all girls involved accept this option on their own as they think about it alone

some say Kyoko is older so she is more mature and such xD.... so what can we tell if at the end Tearju and Mikado are included into the harem xD Rito already took a look at tearju...even felt those knockers ^^ all that left is mikado :P (with so many girls around he will need a doctor ^^)
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