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Old 2013-02-03, 06:22   Link #160
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Before I reply, I should say I haven't played the game, but some of the replies I've read on the Episode 17 thread prompted me to check this thread out to see what differences there might be between the Haruka anime arc and the Haruka route in the game.

Originally Posted by Tempester View Post
Ugh, I hate how episode 17 ended. I know the staff were going for a cliffhanger ending, but the full impact of the scene just doesn't work when it's split up like that.
As an anime-only viewer, I have to say that I disagree with this pretty strongly. That was one hell of a cliffhanger, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It has me very eagerly anticipating the next LB! episode in a way that I haven't anticipated any other LB! episode. And that scene might be the most impacting scene I've seen in Little Busters yet. It was just such a WHAM! moment that shouted "You thought you had Kanata and the Haruka/Kanata sibling rivalry figured out? Well THINK AGAIN!"

I thought it was an awesome scene. That being said...

Originally Posted by Klashikari View Post
And one thing I don't get with the latest episode: why did they make Kanata surprised and drop the chiffon cake dish? It almost sounds like they messed up by adding Haruka's reaction

No really, even with VN knowledge, that reaction just doesn't make sense at all.
Well, two things here...

1) In retrospect, I took it as Kanata being shocked that Haruka had already baked some food for Riki. Kanata then asks Riki if he likes "her" to determine if Haruka has already established herself as Riki's girlfriend.

2) While watching that specific moment when the plate was dropped, I honestly was (for a couple seconds) expecting Haruka to go "So... you were lying to me before. You didn't really like the food I baked for you before did you? So how can I trust what you and the Little Busters said to me yesterday? How can I know that you're not just pitying me, huh?!" And then for Haruka to run off in tears with Riki flailing to try to explain himself.

That expectation took hold in my mind very quickly... which made the Kanata reveal feel even more like the ultimate curveball to me.
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