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Old 2013-02-08, 00:09   Link #72
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
I think he'll be back. Like you said, it would be a bit of a waste of his character for him to not get more development than what he's had so far.

If nothing else, I think we'll see Kougami interrogate him in prison, or something like that.
I doubt the Bureau Chief will let anyone else near Makishima, much less an Enforcer. Unless Kougami manages to get something out of him before they deliver him to Sybil, but he doesn't even seem to be interested in that and just wanted him dead ASAP.

After all, the Bureau Chief considered telling an Inspector like Ginoza about Touma Kouzaburou (one of Makishima's predecessors, bearing the same condition) an exception to what would normally be classified information. And then she went to be real creepy about Touma's fate, stating he's been officially declared missing and that's all that needs to be said.

So yeah, things aren't looking up for Makishima. Well, maybe he'll once again emulate the Joker by turning out to be real good at getting out of jail.
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