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Old 2013-02-08, 02:05   Link #73
SIBYL salesman
Join Date: Feb 2011
Well, I must eat my hat for not believing the plot would end up being about taking down the system.
I wonder if in the end Makishima be promoted to main character status to help bring the system down (and maybe escape all consequences and possibly becoming the sole survivor)?

I actually found it a little disappointing Kagari wasn't given enough screen time for me to really care about his death (ironically, I actually cared a little bit more about Akane's friend's death over this guy).

Overall, I still enjoyed this episode, despite above complaint and a lot more "derpy" looking faces (I guess quality control is dropping now), due to the suspense and the Chief plot twist.

Originally Posted by monir View Post
I still say, it's the aliens!

And I'm only saying it half-jokingly.
Sibyl/Chief crash landed some centuries ago and needs to power her spaceship with the power (brains?) of criminally asymptomatic people. She just wants to go hooooooooomeeeee .
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