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Old 2013-02-08, 09:39   Link #395
Sunder the Gold
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Copper is the only reddish metal I know about, but as a color, its properties are extremely hard to guess, there's no telling which of the "very specific disorders" give rise to that particular Metallic color, and it doesn't convey the same meaning as Gold.

Gold is (generally) the most precious of metals, but also one of the softest, heaviest and least practical for combat. The Gold Metallic color is likely to be vulnerable to all forms of "physical" damage while having resistance to most forms of "special damage". It is likely suited for ranged combat, direct or indirect or both.

Among Metallic colors, it is perfect for Arisa, especially because it matches her hair and fits her magical girl color scheme in Innocent.
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