Thread: Licensed Deadman Wonderland
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Old 2013-02-09, 07:12   Link #177
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Originally Posted by konart View Post
What I mean is a death flag. I see only two options for her right now: death(being killed or sacrifice herself) or some sort of permament confinement.
I see. With that many death flags it's not weird to think she will really die. Though I wouldn't just write her off just because of that. I've seen some mangas where a character had just as many death flags and still survived.

I also see some other possible options for her:
  • Sorae Igarashi, as she was feeling so much guilt for having turned Shiro into the wretched egg, developed some kind of anti virus against those powers... possibly? Who knows, something along those lines at least. Shiro will lose her powers and regarding that second personality as the wretched egg: She ain't really "evil". As an example: You could see the cheerful Shiro as the one who isolated herself from all the pain she suffered and the wretched egg is a copy of Shiro who received the pain instead of the "real" Shiro, so the really evil one is Hagire Rinichirō.
  • She'll keep her powers but, as the one who started all this is dead (Rinichirō), she will never use them again, she doesn't need to anymore. Well... you know, the usual lovey-dovey talk between Ganta and the wretched egg and all that stuff which will make her stop killing... the usual thing you see in some similar mangas at the end

Also, there still is the 'mysterious' branch of sin that Ganta has and that can inflict damage to the wretched egg.. a lot can still happen ^^
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