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Old 2013-02-13, 19:27   Link #725
Yandere Otoko Ruki-tan
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Earth 616
Kiryuu is Tiamat?
Wizard of Khaos Brigade?
well, i would to say its impossible.
This is DxD we`re talking about...
So there chances , so even if its a 0,1 % chance its still possibility
so i cant disagree with you guys, like impossible
Kiryuu is Tiamat
Wizard of Khaos Brigade

Well in DxD Universe There so many unexpected event and miracle that happened in the past volume and most likely it involve about dragons .
and remember!
the Author always troll us...
and we only barely predicted him...
so unexpected event and miracle will happened

Last edited by Ruki0089; 2013-02-13 at 19:44.
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