Thread: Licensed Hellsing Ultimate OVA
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Old 2006-01-23, 22:47   Link #12
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Looking for his book...
Just finished watching the Digest version.

First, I LOVE zombies and ghouls and those rank as the single best example of cell shaded zombies/ghouls I have ever seen. They've made vast improvements in terms of animation when it comes to the ghouls, they're no longer those greyish people that wonder about. They have body parts missing, knawed off, skin peeled away to reveal bone and underlying tissue in places and generally just look like they're oozing. Their movements are more believable and the sounds they make are just spooky.

Now, the animation quality as a whole is very well done. There are places where it could be better with a number of slight inconsistencies in appearences and shapes but the special effects and CG employed take you mind away from that. The use of CG is actually pretty obvious but well done (Alucard misting and turning to bats) however the transitions between the CG scenes and normal animation is a bit lacking in my opinion, it just does mesh together well. Perhaps its because of the fact that they edited this release to condense it and the flow issues will be better handled in the full release.

Sound, I think the word for it is... orgasmic. Yeah, that sounds about right. ^^;
It works, almost too well in places. From the scuffing of feet to the sounds the ghouls make, it's all handled perfectly. In the forest scenes, it sounds like you're there, at the boarding house, you can hear the floor boards creaking. It is very comparable to playing Resident Evil in a dark room with a good sound system. The vocal talent for the primary characters has been left unaltered, Alucard still sounds as evil as ever, Seras and Integral still sound the same. Now, this might be a disappointment for some but all traces of the original (TV) soundtrack have vanished. It is now all orchestra music.

Now, the part most people are curious about, new animation and in particular, new scenes! There are scenes that were handled differently or approached from different perspectives but those aren't what I'm interested. I'm looking at original content only.
Spoiler for Because some people might not have seen/read the anime/manga:
I can't wait to see the full edition. ^^
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