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Old 2013-02-16, 22:19   Link #96
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2007
Geez, it's like I'm talking to a rock -_-

You guys only keep hearing what you want to hear to make yourself look better.

For starters, an unconscious Natsu in a water would never be able to jump back in a fight.
Edward Elric lost several fights like the one with Kimblee yet he still was alive.
Tournament is a perfect opportunity to make main cast lose without dying. And by main I don't mean Lucy who gets shortest end of the stick all the time.

Seirei No Morbito might be a different genre but there are lots of ways how you could use it's positives in a shounen.
By realistic take I did not mean one punch = dead.
If character got his leg crashed, it should be crashed all the way through and not just in one page when it was convenient for a shock factor and then fine in next page. Otherwise it is a total waste of time.

Also whole lava thing with Arcadius... In reality they wouldn't be able to even stand near it without burning to ashes but I stopped carrying about that detail long ago. However, surviving without any injuries a lava bath is way too much! What's the point of calling it a lava then and get scared?!

It simply killed it's whole purpose altogether.
I mean really?
Everyone: Oh no, Lava! We will die!
Arcadius swimming in it
Everyone: I guess not...

Sadly this so called realistic take only works for main gang.
Erza got crap kicked out of her, by that logic she should never be able to stand up ever again. She took hundreds of powerful hits and yet she is fine.
However, it took Erza only one simple blow to take her enemy down. It was nothing special, enemy did better than that yet enemy is unconscious while Erza is jumping around happy like nothing happened.

It is very one sided standard. How could anyone in right mind enjoy it after 100th time is beyond me.

Won't argue, shounen gradually turns into the most pathetic genre I have ever seen. It clearly is meant for children who don't care about logic. Most of them don't even know what logic is anyway.

The only reason why I still watch shounen from time to time, is to find gems like FMA.

I don't know how well things will go later but right now Magi has a potential to be great.
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