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Old 2013-02-18, 02:30   Link #1435
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Age: 30
One of the posts made me think that, in some weird way, while all the club members have become friends, it's not the same for Yozora and Sena.

While Yozora created the club to get close to Kodaka and Sena joined it to actually gain friends, it turned out the other way around. Sena is now closer to Kodaka, but Yozora has a better relationship with everyone else. Yes, I know they're all friends, but... Yozora has a great relationship with Rika, Yukimura respects her (I think it works both ways here, and I think I remember reading somewhere that Yozora has a hard time saying "no" to Yukimura ), Kobato also respects and likes her, since she's sort of the "dark one", Maria... Ok, I won't say anything about that. And, well, everyone seems to find Sena a bit... annoying. I'm not saying she doesn't bring anything to the group, she does, and a lot, but Yozora is clearly the "leader" that everyone respects and likes.

And I think Yozora has changed. Don't remember what chapter it was, but Kodaka admitted himself that even she was now cherishing all the members of the club. Even Sena. Deep down, I think she loves Sena as much as Sena loves her

Anyway, really looking forward to volume 9, it can't come soon enough. I hope it gets better for Yozora, even if just a little.
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