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Old 2013-02-18, 19:19   Link #1553
Join Date: Nov 2007
Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon View Post
Uh, that's. What.
That's really dumb and kind of insane, I'm sorry. Gratuitous violence is automatically juvenile? That's entirely dependent on presentation, it has nothing to do with the violence itself.
Yes, by definition gratuitous means it's there for no reason or justification. Violence for no reason is insane. Note I'm not saying I think juvenile is bad, heck I said Chihaya's route was one of my favorites. I may very well enjoy gratuitous violence more than anyone in this thread, but when it becomes so obvious violence is there just for kicks and a violent scene only has whatever aura the writer could muster of enriching the plot, then it is "much more" gratuitous. And yes, I would argue that watching or reading violent acts that are done without meaning and deriving pleasure from it is something that's more associated with younger people or immaturity.

Spoiler for What routes I thought had gratuitous violence:

Gratuitous violence is insane, but what makes violence gratuitous is up to the reader and how they interpret the material. As much as I like Rewrite now, I don't think I can deny that it had a lot of gratuitous violence.

TLDR: Juveniles tend to like gratuitous things, yes.
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