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Old 2013-02-22, 23:11   Link #12238
Sol Falling
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Age: 35
Originally Posted by ccie20012 View Post
IMHO This is not true. He made important - admitted Medaka in love.
Thereafter win the battle only a technical problem.
As in each arc - he did what Medaka could not do myself.
For a variety of reasons.
I think the purpose of the manga show how strong pair Zen + Medaka.
It would be foolish to oppose them - they complement each other.
Haha. The kind of narrative that exists only to portray "look how awesome/correct/powerful this [insert idealized concept/moral/character] is" is the most completely basic/shallow form of fiction possible, because by nature in the end all fiction is nothing but the conveniences of an author. I believe Nishio is better than that; a brainless, black and white, self-promoting narrative doesn't fit into his post-modern sensibilities.

The kind of story you are describing ("look how strong [etc.] is!") is the stuff of archaic, small-minded, ancient literature. Nowadays you will only find that kind of story being written in the realm of trashy escapist fantasies like fanfiction. There is no difference between a story which says "Medaka is the strongest" or "the pair of Medaka and Zenkichi is the strongest"--either would just be a trashy narrative about some kind of "Mary Sue".

Anyway, the point of Medaka as a character is to show people the mindset of somebody a bit higher-minded. Although realistically speaking, her ideals, goals, and expectations ask a bit too much of normal people, by recognizing Medaka as human we come to realize that those ideals/goals/expectations might actually not be impossible. Medaka basically represents ambition; being greedy about the potential of both yourself and humanity.

Yes, Medaka is important as a point of reference for Zen's story (not blaming others/accepting your own mediocrity; trying hard/believing in yourself anyway). But she also acts independently as a point of reference for anybody in general. Most of the beliefs/ideas/attitudes Medaka holds, regardless of being unrealistic a lot of the time, are nonetheless very interesting.
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