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Old 2013-02-23, 08:32   Link #25
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Romania
Age: 37
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I don't think anyone can actually sacrifice themselves. Some might try, but you can use cantul VS cantus, so unless the fiend doesn't fight back, I don't think it can work. But it's their fault to begin with: they knew about fiends, yet the kept using that stupid death feedback. They should have AT LEAST not put that on the members of the security council. It just reeks of stupidity. They should have removed it from that masked guy, he would have won easy.

I understand that it's genetic, but there MUST be some way to prevent it, maybe by using hypnosis. I refuse to believe that there is no way around it. Fiends can ignore it because they no longer process such thought as "I'm going to kill that guy".
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