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Old 2013-02-23, 16:53   Link #338
Hiding Under Your Bed
Join Date: May 2008
In other news, anyone else finding the decidedly darker tone of the Clone Wars over this last arc leading up to next week's finale great?

Loving the Fugitive references and all the grimness as they throw in teasers for the upcoming "mature" Starwars game, Level 1313.

If they have the balls to cap it all off with Asoka not managing to clear her name and being executed in front of Anakin...oh boy. That would be great. Especially since Baris was alive when order 66 occurred, and she's-by far-the most likely culprit behind manipulating Asoka to her doom, which increases the chances she gets away with it, and well....let's face it, Asoka wasn't around for the movies, so they do need to find a way to get rid of her, and this would be a fantastic way of doing it, with how it'd continue to shape Anakin's anger.
It feels like years since they've been updated, btw.
Also, cake.
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