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Old 2013-02-24, 19:31   Link #37591
Big Damn Lurker
Join Date: Feb 2011
I'm thinking for the political repercutions: claiming and proving everyone, no matter if noble or commoner, has the potential to use magic is downright heretical, no hows, buts or ifs.

For reference: in a quest I played once (sadly dead ), she BSoD'd enough to start laughing mad (give the girl a break, she was just told and proved everything she knew was wrong), then went moping into her room, got drunk and decided in that moment to teach the simplest manifestation of magic to the poor maid who brought the wine so she could get her (the maid) into her (Louise's) service as personal maid, mainly so she can brag to everyone she she a magic maid, which in and of itself is completely worth it, of course.

(Must I really mention she was two steps from being completely plastered by that time?)
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