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Old 2013-03-04, 21:51   Link #29
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Age: 42
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Honestly, I can't think of anything like this in Clannad or Kanon or previously in the LB anime. So I can understand why it's a bit jarring to some people.

Having a tragic family death in a major heroine's backstory is a fair bit different than a major heroine actually watching her mother die in a major disaster on live television!

Not to make light of it, but the former is like a lingering hurt that's hard to get over, whereas the latter is a massive and immediate jolt to one's psyche and emotional well-being. I fully expect Kud to be completely shellshocked and grief-stricken next episode. This is one case where Key probably should be melodramatic. Anything less might seem too understated given the circumstances.
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