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Old 2013-03-08, 20:28   Link #346
Hiding Under Your Bed
Join Date: May 2008
I love Star Wars. Even the prequels. Sure, I hate Jar Jar Binks, most of the androids, every alien who can't speak Basic (one reason I can't stand playing Republic in SWTOR is the sheer amount of hippie dippie aliens who force you to read subtitles), and the mouth-vomit-swallowing romance between Anakin and Padame in Episode 1, but I love Star Wars.

That said, I think making a big fuss over bringing back those three actors, who are all very old, is shooting one's self in the foot.

This was a golden opportunity for a new vision and take on the franchise, and unless their roles are largely fan service one-shots, I can not see any real success coming from a movie plot that figures grandpa Solo and Luke in any real way. I really hope their being in the show is similar to how "Spock" was in that last Star Trek. Plus, I was under the impression that Carrie has a very acidic relationship with the franchise, and I can't imagine the filming atmosphere will be all that pleasant with her around.
It feels like years since they've been updated, btw.
Also, cake.
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