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Old 2013-03-09, 13:18   Link #116
Snobby Gentleman
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Monterrey, México
Age: 43
We're very close to the end.

In contrast to the last episode, this one turned out slow paced but still interesting. The writers needed to expand upon the knowledge left behind from the ancient civilization so as the survivors would get a means to defend themselves, however, those means still raise more ethical questions?

Evidently, Yakomaru may have read our protagonists' moves and wouldn't suprise me if he and his troops, along with the fiend, went chasing after them to Tokyo. Recall, that Kiromaru disclosed to Saki and co. that his species have already figured out that humans cannot hurt each other, and his colony went to Tokyo for exploration.

Evidently, if Yakomaru and his colony found out a false Minoshiro and made it to work, then not only would have learned how the society of Cantu users came to be but also that there existed an ancient civlization which originally held non-Canti humans and humans with Cantus, and that the former ones developed a bacteriological doomsday weapon to deal with the latter ones.

It doesn't take a genius to predict that he'll be after the weapon, but he didn't know about the exact location. So, what he does is to lie patiently to wait for an opportunity to come around? It happened. Saki and co. ventured in the middle of the night heading towards Tokyo, and Yakomaru figured it out once they broke through the blockade.

From what I learned is that the "psychobuster" is a more refined and tampered strain of the Anthrax virus, and I do not know what hazards and effects will pose to Queerats once exposed to the gas, but on humans whether be non-Cantus, Canti users, and fiends, the viral infection would only lead them all to death.
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