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Old 2013-03-12, 06:53   Link #26939
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Originally Posted by SaintessHeart View Post
1) Human shields are used commonly by desperate people. In the face of JDAMs and Hellfire missiles, I can see why they are so desperate.

2) Though on the other hand, the Golan Heights and West Bank contain many strategic elements (e.g high ground) that can allow a complete decimation of either side with modern weaponry and tools. Unless there can be a complete ceasefire between the children of Abraham, I am more keen on the Israelis or U.N controlling it because the Muslims are constantly dividing themselves between clans and tribes throughout the Mideast; we never knew when the Shia would turn against the Sunni after the Jews have been defeated.

Actually a multiracial love hotel at the top wouldn't be a bad idea too. Naming it The Harem of Abraham isn't a bad idea either - since both cultures have a history of promoting sex in art form.
1) It's also apparently a more heinous crime then regularly bombing occupied civilians whom you barely allow basic human needs.

2) I'd rather see Israel denouncing itself as The Jewish state, annexing both Palestinean territories and start treating Arabs as equal to Jews. It might revive Zionist non-state terrorism but I can't picture any better option to end all this crap.
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