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Old 2013-03-12, 19:36   Link #357
Hiding Under Your Bed
Join Date: May 2008
Originally Posted by Ithekro View Post
The idea seems like the are going to finish the Clone Wars, but not on Cartoon Network. Then shift to doing more Episode VII related materials (also postponing Detours to focus on Episode VII materials).

They mention a new animated project that's to go into areas they've not gone before. Post-Return of the Jedi cartoon? That is an area they've not touched much outside of novels and some older computer games. Also would allow them to make a lead up to Episode VII project (and perhaps get the rest of the world up to speed about what has been going on between Return of the Jedi and Episode VII.
Well, if cancelling the show just means they're making another Star Wars tv show, then I'm totally fine with that.

Obviously, Clone Wars had a finite run, and it was getting closer and closer to Episode 3 and would have had to end soon anyways, and while it's not great closure, the ending of Season 5 can certainly work as an end to the series because as much as I'm sure some viewers would like to know the ultimate fate of Asoka, the main issue of removing her from Anakin's side has been accomplished.

I've heard the producer would like to give us the 4? story arcs they had been working on for season 6, but at this stage I'd consider that just talk until Disney says something definitive about that.
It feels like years since they've been updated, btw.
Also, cake.
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