Thread: Licensed Girls und Panzer
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Old 2013-03-20, 18:29   Link #5104
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Originally Posted by Ithekro View Post
In a word: No.

In more words: The Soviets probably could have dealt with the Maus with very heavy artillery fire, heavy rockets, or aircraft bombing it. I don't know what the top armor is like on the Maus, but there appear to be lots of vents up there.

Pravda on the other hand....not a single hope for tanks up to August 15, 1945. I'm not sure the guns on the SU-100Y Self-Propelled Gun, or ISU-152 can penetrate a minimum of 190 mm of german steel with the rounds they used during the war (as oppose to some of the things they didn't use or came up with after the war).
Here is a gun penetration table for WWII Soviet guns in service up to the end of the war.

If you check the penetration values for the 122 mm D25 and M1938 guns, the HEAT round available would be able to (if just barely) penetrate the front and side hull armour, so it would be possible to kill a Maus with maneuvering and flanking attacks.

The American M3 tank gun could do the same plus the turret armour if using HVAP, although the T15E2 is a better choice for that. Guns that would work almost certainly would be the 120 mm T53 and 155 mm T7 guns on the T29 and T30 (using HVAP), looking at these tables.
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