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Old 2013-03-20, 19:47   Link #2308
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Philippines
Age: 47
Another. Like, I don't even really get why people like the show that much. It's basically Final Destination except a pseudo-solvable mystery (I refuse to consider that twist fair play), and a hyper-complicated plot that required 3-4 episodes of exposition to actually explain. I get that the show was going for shock value, but I never cared about any of the characters that died, which just made the scenarios hilarious rather than disturbing.
It's twistedly popular because we actually picked fun at that show for trying to make itself look like Final Destination with a Battle Royale ending.

Madoka Magica. The cast isn't fleshed out enough, really rushed pacing towards the end, and a pretty painful ending. I honestly thought that I'd like the show- I really liked Nanoha, and that was pretty clearly the kind of feel they were going for. But it didn't work for me. I wouldn't call it awful (there were moments I enjoyed), but I don't get why it's so insanely popular. It also ruined the word "deconstruction", which I will never forgive it for.
Episode 3 made the show an overnight sensation after what appeared to be completely generic first two episodes. However, perhaps the reason why the characters weren't fleshed out well was this being an original series not based on any other medium, they weren't sure if the show would sell easy, and so to reduce the risk of possible financial failure they limited it to 12 episodes. Also, through Urobuchi's writing it broke away from the traditional template pattern of a typical magical girl show, which inspired a great deal of thinking and debate, with some even going as far as to put it in the same category as Eva. Not surprisingly it's so hyped much that the show is open to criticism.
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