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Old 2013-03-21, 02:52   Link #1266
( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/
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Originally Posted by sasuke706 View Post
Two translators working on the same product isn't the issue. Working together helps get more ideas across in how to better word a sentence, phrase terminology, among other things. I meant two translations completely independent of each other, which would be inconsistent in the above areas. My issue was the whole 'two people have shown interest in translating the novels together but let's go vote to get a third independent translator as well xD'. I believe Mizuho's even shown disinterest in novels being translated, which raises further question if anything. I personally get disinterested in translating anything myself whenever there's competition to translate something or if it's already translated decently.
Keyword personally. ITS YOU NOT THEM. Please stop being a dick. This is why translators leave. This is why translators don't appear. Its people like you that ruin it for the rest of us.
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