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Old 2013-03-22, 14:31   Link #80
Easy Muffin
Join Date: Jan 2013
Age: 31
Originally Posted by thundrakkon View Post
It is more that he might believe he is being nice. Or it could be that he just wants to protect what he has, as in the friendship. However, what one believes that one does right does not necessarily mean that it is right.

How to avoid destruction of the club? First, he should have pulled Sena aside and talked in private. Then he should have told her that they are still in high school and too young to think about marriage. Also, he is not ready for a relationship, and he much rather they still remain as friends for now. After that, they could go back to the rest of the group and just explain that romantic relationships are off-limits for now and building friendship should take top priority. After which, he should admit that they are friends, but the goal still remains that they study and improve their friendship.

By doing this, he would have calmed all the girls down, and he could remain as friends, while also telling the girls not to try and date him.

So no, I don't believe he is truly doing what he did for the girls. He is doing what he did to try to protect himself, which is cowardly and selfish. Hence, why a lot of people on the boards here are upset with him.
Regardless if he was being selfish or not, his intentions are good. I think a substantial amount of this hate is unjustified. Sure, he could've handled it better but he is thinking about the welfare of the group.
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