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Old 2013-03-26, 17:19   Link #286
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Behind you.
So, I lurk most of the time... but as of late I've not done much else but lurk over on the Frozen Teardrop thread hoping for more images of suits and the amazing art... as well as updates for the GotD manga... But in my time when I wasn't lurking there... I spent it writing "good, crappy fan fiction" good in my view plot wise... and crappy because I know my grammar sucks, and my editor after my first fic began editing for me... though I really hadn't started editing till the third fic...

But enough of that, some of you may have seen my fics floating around in the different Gundam crossover sections. So after reading through the thread here I decided to link mine... fair warning given a few chapters get a tad on the upper end of "violent" and or "graphic"... then again I am a follower of "kill'em all" Tomino's works...

To give an outline of them, this is my interpretation of a "What if..." scenario and the "What if" is that the Gundam Meta as a whole wasn't different universes, or spread out over an expansive timeline... When completed this "little" series will be a total of 8 fic's long encompassing the A.C., C.E., A.D., A.W., and U.C. in a massive military crossover.

So here they are in order if you'd like to go read them. I'm currently in the process of writing the 5th fic in the series.

6. (ToaUE)- Pre-writing
7. planned
8. planned

Also, I do get a little random at the begging and end of chapters, and some times I get a little technical... ok... really technical a times.
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