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Old 2013-03-28, 21:00   Link #36
Join Date: May 2012
Age: 46
Originally Posted by Tenchi Ryu View Post
But as you can see, these girls are not normal, and their reactions can be over extreme.

But listen to what he told Rika, he asked her what SHE wanted. He does care about them and what they think, that's what he's been careful about. He says "I wish I WAS a Harem male lead that could make everyone happy", so I don't think he's selfish, he just doesn't know how.

His issue wasn't how to make friends, its how to KEEP them. You see how he had no problem asking Rika to be his friend, and even laughed when she said they already were. Now his problem will be how to keep them, but luckily, Rika will help him.
he said this because he said who she also being selfish and need to be true with herself too not only about him.
to be more specificly, he used a common defense mechanic, when we are yelled by someone then we try to change the target of the discuss to the other side like he did, but unlikely him she was able to say what she want then making the famous checkmate on kodaka who was unable to say anything more.

ofcourse after her throw on him all this sense(and sai who she want friends) and this fight will be pointless if him not asked her to be friends or accepted who their already friends.

we really must prise rika she was the best character of this season(coming from a sena fan) like i said she is my second choice without thing much.

she was able to say predict and tell all kodaka movies and issues and everything and with her "balls of steel" kick him "some balls"

Last edited by ellessarr; 2013-03-28 at 21:12.
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