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Old 2013-03-31, 14:37   Link #2454
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Philippines
Age: 34
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I wasn't able to produce any tone that sounds like K-ON when I was using GR4 before.

Right now, I got a new rig LTD MH-53 for guitar and ZOOM G2.1nu for effects processor. I'm not that good with shaping tones yet but I think it's very possible to produce an overdriven tone. I'll try to play with it tomorrow.

EDIT: Oh I forgot my headphones is broken ><

I haven't bought an amplifier yet cause I ran out of funds XD. There's a very big difference with a good amp vs a cheap one. I'm not sure yet if it compares with directly plugging my effects processor to the computer since ZOOM's boasting their direct recording.

I'm curious about your tone, sounds K-ON-ish. What's your amp setting? I just want to have an idea on how to shape it on my own rig.
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