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Old 2013-03-31, 19:12   Link #2342
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Hen-Tie pen
Originally Posted by Joyce_Steele View Post
Hetalia. It's too easy to see why.
Let me guess, is it the fandom?

This one is personal but Hetalia had one of the worst fandom of all time. They flooded deviantArt, livejournal and tumblr with their badly-drawn Hetalia fanarts. They are even worse than most devoted Narutard. While I have no intention to be sexist but it is pretty obvious that most of its fans are 13-15 years old girls who just wanted to see their favorite bishies than anything else, not history or jokes. Thanks to them what supposed to be an interesting satirical approach to WW2 now degenerates into K-On! with men and many times less music.

Another anime that I don't like but extremely popular at least to English-speaking anime fans is Mirai Nikki. While I'm not calling it as "piece of shit" or anything like that but I have no idea what the main appeal of that show except its controversies. I don't to argue on who's the target audiences of this show are but from what I can see most of them are horror and yandere fans. How it is rated high on most anime review sites is beyond me.
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