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Old 2006-01-29, 20:23   Link #37
Sousuke and Kaname....
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: near Boston
Age: 38
What I like about the manga is that you can read these side stories regarding Kaname and Sousuke at school (ones that wernt included in seasons 1, 2 and fumoffu)

one I really liked that I wish they included in fumoffu was


Actually, that story was based on the short story "Maigo no Old Dog" from Dounimo Naranai Gorimuchuu. As it is a short story that is yet to be incorporated into anime form, who knows? It may show up in the next series should they decide to go with the ones that follow the short stories like "Fumoffu" did.

Last edited by kj1980; 2006-01-30 at 22:34.
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