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Old 2013-04-03, 15:50   Link #30
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Originally Posted by JustRob View Post
So because it's more natural coming from Hashirama Naruto should miss out on most of his clan's history?
Honestly, it's not like he cares (he did have 15-16 years to ask questions, but still nothing). He has never expressed interest in his clan before (he's not Sasuke), and it's not like it would matter to him now. Additionally, anything Sasuke learned could have been told to Naruto at a later date.

Originally Posted by itachi-san314 View Post
his wife was uzumaki. and he used the reaper death seal. to think he didn't know a lot about the clan seems unreasonable
Knowing a few seals is not the same as knowing intimate details from the people themselves.

Originally Posted by itachi-san314 View Post
then where were they during the attack?
Where was anyone during the attack? I don't see this clamoring for info on the Nara, Hyuuga, or anyone else. Their positioning matters very little to the overall story and not knowing will not create some plot hole.

Originally Posted by itachi-san314 View Post
it's up to kishi whether it will be pointless or not, but it seems highly likely that they will meet up and have some sort of discussion/fight. also, kakashi's already had his spotlit chance to talk one on one
While Kakashi is not the only one who knows what happened to Rin, it's still his words and actions that are in consideration, not Minato. And if Minato only appears to back up whatever Kakashi says, then he is essentially purposeless to the discussion.

Originally Posted by itachi-san314 View Post
the living generation was useless and couldn't defeat madara.
They seem to have been doing a pretty damn good job last we saw.

Originally Posted by itachi-san314 View Post
it will be a team effort like in itachi and hasirama's lessons about needing a village.
Undoubtedly...which is what the last chapter of the actual battle was showing us. Zombies fighting zombies sounds ridiculously boring to me. If a character can't die, then there is nothing at stake, so what's the point? And since all the older generation are essentially wrong about everything (even Hashirama has been shown to be "wrong" now), their victory over Madara's ideology would just usher in further darkness and discontent. No, Naruto has to be leading the current generation in defeating Madara or any defeat will be pointless.

Originally Posted by itachi-san314 View Post
part of the reason for this backstory was probably to explain how edo-madara will achieve a sense of peace and leave the living world. hashirama has to be a part of that inner peace
True, but since Naruto has already been compared to Hashirama (and Madara...and Obito...and the Sage...and Minato...and etc), anything he says could just as easily remind Madara of Hashirama, which will in turn spark that inner peace. I'm not discounting the affect Hashirama would have on Madara, I just don't think it is necessary for a completion to the story (even if Kishimoto wants Madara to have a happy ending...after killing 10,000s).
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