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Old 2013-04-07, 23:36   Link #1400
The old ace of Arlington
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Plain of Doleful Melody - ANI
Age: 36
One of the best chapters, I must say! Mogamett is a really sick bastard! He actually believe he has the right to toy with human' soul just because they're not special like him and his kin! At this point, he's not much different compared to Hitler. I once said that he's more like Magneto but even Magneto wouldn't do this kind of shit.

The deep hole, the 5th lv camp, the caste system and the mage's oppression, he created all those thing just so people will build up their hatred. In his mind, goi are lower than cattle, they're more like building material for him to build his magicians' country.

On the bright side, Kouha is overwhelming people with his love for the misfits, he remind me of Tyrion Lannister ( Treat most people like shit except the handicapped ). And a female Djinn for a cute shota ( could pass for a trap ) is really funny

Also, we should notice this. This seems to be the reason that Djinn now choose different kings, some of them don't want and don't believe into the theory of "one and only absolute king" anymore. And yet, none of them seems like they want to let their masters know about the truth of Dungeon, Djinn and Alma Toran.
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