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Old 2013-04-08, 07:03   Link #37754
Resident Tentacle Monster
Join Date: Apr 2013
Ooookay, let's backup for a second, because I can see a much more serious problem at hand. You need to be [B ]very[/B] careful not to make Shirou a god mode sue here. A device, UBW, Agito, wrecking criminal syndicates more efficiently than the TSAB, even the TSAB is afraid of him, and dropping him into season one of Nanoha to boot? That's asking for a story without any drama or conflict, because Shirou could just solve everything by himself in one chapter.
[grins] That is the exact point here. Shirou is CHAINED by his power, he has crime syndicates running scared, willing to cause lots of collateral damage to get him. The point is that Shirou CAN'T use his power. He might get a bit involved in the first and second season but not much.

He has to stay under the radar PARTICULARLY now that he has a family. Imagine what would the criminals and bad guys do if they learnt that he has a family. A soft target they can strike at.

I made Shirou a God Mode Sue... and then made him Incapable of using his power. One wrong move, one slip up, one rumour about him being on Earth and all hell will break loose around him hurting all the people he cares about. What is the point of having power to take on Crime Syndicates if a single surprise attack can kill your entire family.
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