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Old 2013-04-09, 15:45   Link #1212
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: On the front lines, fighting for inderpendence.
Originally Posted by tsunade666 View Post
In theory yes but the problem for Accelerator is his reflective layer isn't really one layer but a coating boundary of his AIM field. His insides probably is coated by it too or he can do it if he can do micro level computation to operate on brains neurons.

The problem on that is is the object that will appear start from a point or appear as a whole? if it started as a point and spreads then it will be crushed because there is vector there. And even if its not a point but a whole phase transportation like teleport. It will generate a vector into his field when its forcing through which is the same result when an attack from a teleporter was initiated against Accelerator. Accelerator just sends it back to the teleporter.

Though there are probably other way. I also though of instant attack that has no value of moving from outside the reflect layer but the reflect of accelerator isn't really that much of just an outside force.
Then how did Kihara manage to strike Accelerator? Evidently his field has a delay, because it affected Kihara's strikes slow enough that a common human could pull his punch in time. Considering combustion is an event nearly as fast as neurological impulses themselves, could Accelerator's field react in time?

There also seems to be an inconsistency in that respect, now that I think about it. When one of the Misaka clones fired a armor-piercing round from a sniper rifle, it was immediately repelled... an event faster than Kihara's punches. How does this add up?
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