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Old 2013-04-09, 18:29   Link #1214
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Originally Posted by Asuras View Post
Then how did Kihara manage to strike Accelerator? Evidently his field has a delay, because it affected Kihara's strikes slow enough that a common human could pull his punch in time. Considering combustion is an event nearly as fast as neurological impulses themselves, could Accelerator's field react in time?

There also seems to be an inconsistency in that respect, now that I think about it. When one of the Misaka clones fired a armor-piercing round from a sniper rifle, it was immediately repelled... an event faster than Kihara's punches. How does this add up?
In the anime it shows that Accelerator reflect isn't really a skin touch. Look at the thug that tried to punch him. Though from the description in the novel. It shouldn't be that far from the skin that its almost needed physical contact to act.

Kihara Amata is the one who developed Accelerator's ability. He knew everything about his ability and knew where to hit and when to hit. His a Kihara enough said

though seriously from the novel. Kihara trained to counter Accelerator and since he knew accelerator more than anyone in the research development since he is the one who develop it. Then he knew exactly where is the boundary of his AIM field. And he also knew his thought pattern enough to create a sound frequency that will disrupt his calculation for distance.

Accelerator thought patter was also used on the other espers like Saia and Kuronyan
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