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Old 2013-04-10, 20:01   Link #1936
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: New York, NY

I think the term for this is vocal minority. Yes there are people out there who hate Sheryl loudly proclaim it to the world however, judging into account the amount of people we see cosplaying her, how well the official merchandise based on her sells, the fact that she has the most fanart and fan merchandise, and the fact that she's still on the polls despite the fact that her series ended the people who like her greatly outnumber the people who dislike her.

However, here is a funny truth while Sheryl haters are quite loud about hating Sheryl, Sheryl fans have stopped caring about the Sheryl haters, and therefore they don't respond to them, or just avoid them altogether. The so called "hate wars" LMK are referring to are nothing new, they've always been around, but they seem one-sided right now since no one (not the Sheryl fans or the neutral fans) responds to them anymore.

Originally Posted by leolim View Post
I thought its because fans prefer Ranka to be Alto's Girlfriend.
Again judging by the way how the Sheryl/Alto fan merchandise outnumbers the Ranka/Alto merchandise, fans didn't prefer Ranka/Alto.

Those polls are BS, they don't really tell you anything since people were making deals with each other in the comments section to have others vote for their favorite character. Also Sheryl hate bursting all over the internet? Well then it must not be under the Macross Frontier or Macross tags, because I don't see them, and no You Tube comments don't count.
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