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Old 2013-04-14, 07:35   Link #32123
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Originally Posted by GreyZone View Post
But maybe Yasu was not thinking about physical damage. It could as well mean that "because I fell down at that time, my life was ruined" or something like that, not thinking about the damage on her body, but about the consequences.

Well, this is Yasu's complain from Ep 7:

"Why...?!! Why did you save me?! Why didn't you let me die?! Because of that terrible injury, ......I've been forced to live in a body like this!! I never wanted to live in a body like this!! This body that isn't even capable of love......!! What's...what's the point in living like that?! This isn't a human's life...!! It's like being furniture!!
That's right, I'!! Furniture...!! Why......why didn't you let me die back then?!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh......!!!"
She clearly complains about an injury, not about physical malformation at birth or consequences the fall had on her life.

Of course the injury could have been just something that worsened her condition, or not wishing to explain her the whole problem, the injury could have been blamed for her condition (which seems stupid but those 3 had done stupider things) but that's speculation similar to when Erika made a George's family culprit theory using the fact that the rules gave her freedom to make up things that weren't included in the story presented.

I'm not saying it's wrong (actually I like it more) but I think it's more unlikely than the explanation offered using solely what's said in the story.
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