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Old 2013-04-15, 15:56   Link #29
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Edinburgh
Age: 42
Gamers are gamers and their gender don't matter. Most female gamers I know play games because they enjoy the stories and the game mechanics, just like male gamers. The divide of games targeted at certain genders is actually something new and heavily pushed by publishers, who don't seem to have a clue that games are different then other media, like books, films aso.
The fact that they trying to target specific games for certain genders is discriminating. What is next, games made specifically for homosexuals, just for specific ethic groups or just for old people?
Most game developers are set out to create an environment and world, where people can have fun. If people find that most games to be male centered, that is because most games are designed by men, specifically old men that pioneered the industry. The only way that is ever going to change is if more females take up programing and make their way into the industry. Yes there are a lot of female work forces in the industry, but only few are leading team and have programing experiences. Creating art, characters and sound is one thing, but if you want to be respected, you need to know how to code, this it also true for men in the industry.
Most of the arguments about gender specific things boils down to, how the hell are men suppose to know what females like or enjoy. We are two different species, we men say that we understand women, but we don't. Same is also true the other way around. For example, if i write song or a story, it will always be from a man's perspective, i'll never be able to write something from a woman's point of view, and if i try it will just end up being something stupid and then branded a sexists. Yes, I hear about female advisers dragged in for games development, but that isn't the same if the game is made by a woman, because men will always misinterpret advises from women all the time, because we don't really speak the same language.

Last edited by Sides; 2013-04-16 at 02:01.
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