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Old 2013-04-15, 23:24   Link #234
Not A Loli-con....
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Beyond the looking glass
So the dead people are gonna show up with that uchiha guy (forgot his name) anyway they go to seal the Juubi but that will destroy the bijuu. and Naruto will jump in and disrupt the sealing process to save them and instantly change places with sasuke (crap i said it). He'll become the villain and sasuke will be the "hero" who has to find naruto who's hording the power of alot of tailed beasts! Naruto will move about like Jiraya did while hanging on to the bijuu to keep them safe and search for an answer to the worlds problems. time skip a few years (-----) then some other stuff will happen cause i got tired of writing my little extremely unlikely prediction....
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