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Old 2006-01-31, 16:55   Link #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2006
Unhappy Closure on Kaede

hey everyone! i just watched the final episode! I really loved the series since the entire thing wasnt just fillers between the first and last episode.

anyways, i really didnt like that Asa ended up with Rin. Please, no offense to Asa lovers k! she was barely focused on in the first half of the series and all of the sudden, she was forcefed to viewers beginning with that trip to the love-park.

I really thought Kaede wouldve been a better partner for Rin. I felt so sad for her because she tried so hard for him. Yes she started their relationship for penance & forgiveness, but she also did admit falling in love with him which is why she continued to serve him. To Rin it was like an "Owner & Dog" situation so-to-say and thats why he moved to let her go, but I wished that he could have seen otherwise!!

Its feels so unfair that Kaede was so caring and faithful to him all that time and he just broke her off. She even got so desparate that she made sexual advances at him just so she could get his attention again. Why (and how) could you not see after those incidents that someone is so devoted she would do something extreme like that for you, not once but 2 times (earlier episode where she gets 'work exhaustion' and the other 'psycho kaede' episode). thats what made me sad the most lol

but thats why i love anime where the main char is some guy who dont see things coming until its after-the-fact haha. This series was great and im glad that Rin didnt get assassinated by that wierdo handerkerchief man, and leaves room for continuation!!!!!!!!!!! (please oh please let there be more shuffle!)

thanks for reading my rant!

Last edited by somenoobie; 2006-01-31 at 17:07.
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