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Old 2013-04-17, 13:42   Link #3219
Join Date: Mar 2013
Originally Posted by Sheba View Post
Or any sensible person CANNOT buy that the magical shields are impenetrable to EVERYTHING, will never run out and totally depend of plot for when they actually disappear. Diablo's Mana Shield depends on the user's mana, Eve Online's shields NEEDS active shield tanking and to be reinforced against EM-type and Thermal attacks to withstand damage and the active tanking NEED powergrid to be sustained, Dungeons & Dragons' shields are limited in duration and number of uses. In real life, armor is subject to material fatigue, repeated attacks or brute force. ALL shields and armor break, ALL of them, no exception. And somehow guys are telling us that Nanoha's shields cannot be penetrated or broken by anything in the universe, ever? Really?
You can get into a tank with just a good sized rock if you have all the time in the world. That doesn't make it a practical option. Just because a gun might eventually break through a barrier jacket / mage's shielding doesn't mean they will in any practical time frame.

Given what mages have been shown to withstand, it would take a truly inordinate amount of real life, modern weaponry to deal with a mage's defences in any reasonable sense. And that's if they don't just dodge them all (mages fly at hundreds of miles per hour with excellent mobility). It's not a question of guns and whatnot being 100% useless. Just useless to the point of a mage wasting you before you even notice much an effect.
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