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Old 2013-04-24, 14:51   Link #6637
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Gundamx View Post
How know?
he might join just to be Lacus guard since Durandal supporter might assassin her
That's why I specifically mentioned Kira's words to Shinn (and there's also his words to Durandal). Being Lacus's personal guard doesn't require a white uniform. It's more likely that Kira joined ZAFT to fulfill his promise to Durandal and Shinn, while at the same time still be close to Lacus.
I doubt anyone from Terminal/AA have any solider loyalty to any side
You see them using all military side cloth ( Andrew used Orb/Fed military cloth while he was in AA)

P.S.: solider loyalty = same as Shin > follow every order whatever it was good or bad
(Kira, AA, Lacus ...etc all of them leave their main faction because they didn't like to follow order like blind man)
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to say here.
Originally Posted by The American Average View Post
In seed many support characters died in destiny i guess only meer died.
In SEED, at least 21 named characters died (not counting the three that actually survived in other media). In Destiny, at least 11 named characters died.

Altogether, Destiny simply had less characters, and less named characters dying on all sides (not just the so-called good guy camp).
Neo was a prisoner however they let him go and he came back resulting in joining the "good guy club"
So you see, it doesn't take much to join.
with Lacus bending the pilot to her will you could say this was the only time that it didn't go according to plan
Yeah, I think you're just stretching things.
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