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Old 2013-05-07, 00:40   Link #1701
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Australia
Not an expert in Oreimo or anything. But honestly i still feel the safest road for the author (to please general audiences while keep the theme consistent) is to make Kyousuke choosing Kirino, THEN right after that reveal that they are not blood related.

Something like Kyousuke rush in and embrace a crying Kirino. Then his parents walk in, the mother throw tantrums over how they are real siblings and it's not possible for them to have that relationship. And then freaked out, collapsed and broke in tears. And then their dad started to reveal about how one of them was adopted to replace a dead child (a final month miscarriage for e.g.), and that initial shock was so much that they were in deny all this time that one of them is adopted. Cliche as heck. But the advantages of this ending is:
  • the author can pull any deus ex machina out of his ass, as it was all past events, which not entirely relate to the whole novel. So he can make up anything and still can make the story flow/consistent.
  • fans of Kirino overjoyed. In fact they can even plays the card about how the actual child chose the adopted one. So it will have the " destiny was written in the star" thingy. Then there is that "i love you whether we are blood related or not"
  • incest theme still remains without incest backslash

If the author want to make it cheeky, throw in the card "Kuroneko/Ayase/whoever realised that Kirino is not his blood sister, so now it's all fair game". Fairly close ending , but still opened enough so readers can continuously debate how their favorite heroines will easily gain the advantage now, as siscon Kyousuke do not have to take care of his "sister" anymore.
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