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Old 2013-05-08, 02:40   Link #1715
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Australia
Originally Posted by Seitsuki View Post
I'm pretty sure it goes the other way round. Star crossed lovers die and are reborn as siblings. Which either means the Japanese had a very ironic sense of humor, or they've been shipping incest since before the Feudal era
I know this one, but i thought they will be born as twins rather than siblings? Anyway, still think Japanese tolerances for incest is much higher than anywhere else, so i will pick the later option. And... that's not ironic sense of humor, that is simply being an asshole

"Let's pray for the star crossed lovers so they can be reborn as siblings and can never be with each other. Great idea!!"

Anyway what i stated earlier was a Japanese drama cliche, rather than ancient myth. Combined both and we will have Kirino, Kyousuke embraced each other before being run over by a truck. Then the story skipped 16 years later, and readers see them being reborn as twins and continue their hardship over their feelings. Great set up for Oreimo 2, with Kuroneko and Ayase are now the MILFs neighbours of the two sibl.... no let's just stop here, it's heading to some dangerous territories..

Last edited by risingstar3110; 2013-05-08 at 02:57.
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