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Old 2013-05-08, 20:38   Link #176
Guardian Enzo
Seishu's Ace
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Kobe, Japan
I didn't find the laughably shallow conversation the girls were having about body types and the mean-spirited tranny humor especially classy, but YMMV.

Getting something of value out of the beach/onsen/pool episode is rare indeed - see Outlaw Star for the template on how to do it perfectly, with TTGL probably coming in 2nd. But even if you're not going to advance the plot or characters the better of them can at least be fun fanservice romps. I just hate to see a show with as much smarts and as big a plot as this one waste an episode when it only has one cour to work with as is - especially as it seems that broad comedy isn't playing to Gargantia's strengths, based on the evidence.
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