Thread: Sket Dance
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Old 2013-05-10, 12:07   Link #147
Darth SpiderDen
Join Date: Mar 2012
Originally Posted by aohige View Post
Yes, actually. It was quite a few arcs back... scanlations haven't reached it yet?
If it's only like a year behind, it should be hitting the arc anytime now.

Wait, I think I recall seeing discussion on it in English, so I think scanlations already covered it.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I've seen people discuss the pony-tail Himeko on a bike scene.
Its just that I havent seen the arc yet on the released scanlations yet. But it's ok, just wondering since a lot of time passed between Switch story.
Alas on to the final arc, let's see how it plays out.
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