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Old 2013-05-11, 20:41   Link #26123
Join Date: Nov 2008
Age: 32
Yeah but he still did it. Many of the more unscrupulous technologies in Academy city stem from him. And he gets really dark sometimes like in the Vento Arc. Sure he's mostly nice and full of good will. But you'd have to be just a bit Kihara crazy and detached to come up with some of the stuff he does.

And Academy City is at least fifty years old. If he wasn't Kihara level way back then when science, technology and most importantly medicine weren't as much of a thing as now, not even here let alone toaru world... IDK man? Not even most run off the mill Kihara's wouldn've been able to save Aleister like he did. He checks off for everything save for full out psycho.
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