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Old 2013-05-13, 14:42   Link #32244
Join Date: Dec 2012
Pretty much what renall said

I think it would be possible to force a person to do something at gunpoint. I myself believe still that ep 4 and most of the stunning magical phone-calls could be explained with straightforward gunpoint and a order from the culprit.

But in OC Yasu showed Natsuhi and Krauss the bomb before any actual murders happened. I don't know how much time passed between this moment and the actual killings, but I find it hard to believe there wouldn't be any kind of protest against one person and one gun that might have a bomb under the mansion. For culprit to succeed in committing the murders with guarantees of a play-scenario or a threat of detonating the bomb we would need a mansion full of braindead people.

Of course we have people like nanjo, that iirc was shown to accept bribes in the flashbacks, but then again there are many people that I couldn't see as accomplices even if threatened in a way Ryu want's us to believe
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